All Plants need Fertilizer

Plants that are planted in a container get only the fertilizer that you put in it. A soilless mix does not hold fertilizer as a mineral soil will. This makes fertilizing more critical and should be done regularly. The only big deal about fertilizing your plants and flowers is the amazing results you'll see in a few weeks time.

What Do All Those Letters and Numbers Mean?

All fertilizers are labelled with three numbers. N-P-K. (Example 10-52-17) These numbers represent the ratio of nitrogen (N), phosphate (P) and potassium (K). In basic terms, nitrogen promotes foliage growth, phosphate encourages healthy root growth and flower production and potassium promotes the overall health of the plant by building disease resistance.

Which Fertilizer Do I Need?

For transplanting it’s important to use a high Phosphate (middle number) like a 10-52-17. This helps the root system to develop before pushing the foliage. Think of Phosphate (middle number) as Baby food and use for transplanting and for stressed plants. Phosphate will also really push blooms on healthy plants.
For general needs, we recommend a fertilizer that has higher amounts of nitrogen such as 20-20-20. An overdose of nitrogen can cause burnt plants.

Trouble with Yellow Pale Leaves?

If plant leaves turn yellowish, the most likely reasons is over watering. For more information on watering Click Here.
Yellow leaves are also caused by low nitrogen or low iron.
It is also beneficial to alternate between the two different fertilizers. Example: use 20-20-20 for two weeks and give one application of 10-52-17.

You Bought Some Fertilizer-Now What?

Apply the fertilizer according to the method described on the package. In the case of fertilizers, more is not necessarily better, so be sure to measure accurately. We recommend applying a nitrogen-rich fertilizer every one to two weeks.

Continuous or Periodic Fertilizer feeding

There are generally two methods used for feeding fertilizer. Option #1: I have had the best results with the continuous feeding, using a lower amount of fertilizer with every watering, and mixing a larger amount in a barrel. With continuous feeding I strongly recommend to thoroughly drench the container with clear water approximately every 10-15 days.  This will reduce the risk of salt build-up. Option #2: Water regularly with clear water and use a heavier mix every one to two weeks.
For more information on mixing Fertilizers Click Here.

Mixing Fertilizer in Larger batch Tip

To make fertilizing easier mix it in a 200 L. barrel and use to water all containers. (Make sure barrel is safe from children and pets)

Rain Water

Collecting clean Rain-Water is very good for all plants.